All in Covid Impact

The war is real...

Jo Hands writes all about the war on talent - and it’s no joke. This time last year (May 2020) companies were downsizing, reducing pays, making employee take annual leave and in survival mode. Employees were worried about the security of their jobs. The whole dynamic has shifted. It's an employee market. Why and what does this mean?

Key considerations for building connection across the organisation post Covid-19

Phoebe Reid writes about the key considerations for building connection across the organisation post Covid-19. Companies are finding themselves in unfamiliar territory as their employees return to the office post Covid 19 and are learning how to work together again. Building connectedness is an important part of working together successfully and links closely to employee engagement and ultimately meeting business goals.

The Importance of Connection

Jo Hands, Whiteark’s Co-founder & Director, writes about the art and inherent need for connection. Connection is defined as a relationship in which a person or thing is linked or associated with something else - and it’s important, probably more than you’ll know. But did it have to take a global pandemic, border closures and state lockdowns for us to realise just how important connection really is?

Retail Transformation in Disruptive Times

Matthew Webber writes about retail transformation in disruptive times. It is both confronting and somewhat depressing to turn the pages (physically or digitally) of a newspaper to see yet another retailer fall victim to the economic climate. There is nothing nice about an empty shop front, the loss of jobs or the withdrawal of an important community institution.

Rethinking your Global Supply Chain

Matthew Webber writes about rethinking our Global Supply Chains. The world as we know it has changed. The speed, the relationships, the priorities, the tastes. We can access information, goods and services quicker than ever – and our environments politically, environmentally and structurally seem more volatile than ever before. And this is before we even get to the great awakener in COVID -19.

Does it take a crisis for change to occur quickly?

In general companies are slow to make a change but when faced with a crisis they were able to respond differently, quickly, decisively and achieve an outcome. Why does it take a crisis to make a change this quickly? In recent conversations on this topic with my network, many people believe that's just how it is and nothing you can do to fix it -- but I'm not convinced that is right...