Global Trends to emerge post Covid-19

Global Trends to emerge post Covid-19

We take a closer look at the trends affecting countries across the world as we emerge form the changes caused by Covid-19.

Global Trends post Covid19

1. Connected Work

Connected work scenarios will drive the need for cloud everything. New subscription-based models will see growth in demand for unified communications as a service offerings.

2. ‘Lights-Out’ Operations

Autonomous “lights out” operations will drive demand for remote asset management solutions, and service providers will focus on data management strategies and data-driven business models.

3. Connected Living

An increased adoption of contactless surfaces post-pandemic will drive home automation and security markets.

4. Technology Advancements

Pandemic preparedness will speed up AI deployment and accelerate the pace of AI innovation.

5. Supply Chain Optimisation

Seamless integration of end-to-end digital supply chains will increase traceability, sustainability, and transparency within the supply chain ecosystem.

6. Human Augmentation

The adoption rate of customer behaviour analytics by enterprises will grow by 20% for the period 2019-2025.

7. Smart Cities

Increased spending on technology by smart cities will lead to a surge in the adoption of digital tools like crowd analytics, and increased focus on developing digital platforms and apps for citizens.

8. Digital Health

Digital health driven by telemedicine and robotic care will become the new standard of care delivery. Will require an increase in the number of service and technology providers.

9. Geo-Political

To protect themselves from economic fallout due to COVID, global organisations are coming together to restore geo-political and economic balance.

Global Trends
Global Trends key

Looking to capitalise on these trends and ensure your business is poised for success? Let us help.

Whiteark is not your average consulting firm, we have first-hand experience in delivering transformation programs for private equity and other organisations with a focus on people just as much as financial outcomes. We understand that execution is the hardest part, and so we roll our sleeves up and work with you to ensure we can deliver the required outcomes for the business. Our co-founders have a combined experience of over 50 years’ working as Executives in organisations delivering outcomes for shareholders. Reach out for a no obligation conversation on how we can help you. Contact us on

SOURCE: Frost & Sullivan 9 Critical Trends Reshaping all Industries Post-COVID, 2020

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