The war is real...

The war is real...

This time last year (May 2020) companies were downsizing, reducing pays, making employees take annual leave – in short, they were in survival mode. The result? Employees across the world were worried about the security of their jobs. 

But now, the whole dynamic has shifted. It's an employee market.
So why and what does this mean? 

The Why.

  • Companies are recruiting 

  • Lack of international talent working in Australia 

  • Employers are focused on getting people back to the office 

  • The economy is going strong 

  • People are looking for flexibility and more money 

The What.

What does this shift mean for employers…


  • The recruitment market is hot and therefore companies need to position themselves to attract the right / best talent

  • Companies need to build a talent plan to retain good people - it needs to be different, new and tailored

  • Finding the right talent is critical for success of delivering the strategy for the organisations 

  • Companies need to be clear on their point of difference for working for them 

  • Staff / candidates want to understand what flexibility means - what are your policies and how it practically works 

  • Companies might need to consider partnering to get the right capability if market tight 

  • Building a positive culture has never been so important and critical to ensure you retain and attract amazing talent 

Employees / Candidates 

  • People are looking for a sea change, reassessing their priorities and rethinking how much they are working and where they work

  • People aren't looking for the normal perks as priorities have changed 

  • It's an employee / candidate market - be clear on what you want from your job, position yourself right and look for the perfect company 

  • Smile and enjoy the process and do your pros / cons to make a good decision about what company to you with 


People play an important role in the success of your business. In fact, without them you wouldn't have a business a business at all. So be proactive to really think about the changes you are making to responding to the shift. 

As a leader you need to lean in to ensure you understand where your team is up to and ensure you take a proactive approach.  

The war is real, are you ready to fight? 

Article by Jo Hands, Co-Founder Whiteark

Looking to capitalise on these trends and plan your own people strategy? Let us help.

Whiteark is not your average consulting firm, we have first-hand experience in delivering transformation programs for private equity and other organisations with a focus on people just as much as financial outcomes. We understand that execution is the hardest part, and so we roll our sleeves up and work with you to ensure we can deliver the required outcomes for the business. Our co-founders have a combined experience of over 50 years’ working as Executives in organisations delivering outcomes for shareholders. Reach out for a no obligation conversation on how we can help you. Contact us on

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