A Comprehensive Covid Report

A Comprehensive Covid Report

A closer look at how industries have been affected by the pandemic that swept the world.

Source: IbisWorld. Note: This is based on Stage 4 Restrictions.

Recently, we asked our followers what they wanted. What would be truly helpful to them in these unprecedented times, and the answer? Industry specific breakdowns.

We all know that every sector has been affected in one way or another, there's heaps of generalised statements floating around that provide helpful overviews. But what people were after was a more specific breakdown of exactly what the impact would be to their area of operations and ideas around how they could pivot, adapt and thrive as we move forward into the new world normal.

So, here it is. A comprehensive deep dive into 18 different industries - we hope you enjoy the read.

Covid Impact Report - Pages Mock Up .png

What's in the report?

Setting the Scene
Impact: How exposed is your industry?
Impact Analysis: Exposure Definitions

Industry Deep Dives
Accommodation & Food Services
Arts & Recreation Services
Education & Training
Professional, Scientific & Technical Services
Retail Trade
Health Care & Social Assistance
Transport Postal & Warehousing
Administrative & Support Services
Public Administration & Safety
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing
Wholesale Trade
Electricity, Gas, Water & Waste Services
Information Media & Telecommunications
Rental, Hiring & Real Estate Services
Bonus Article: The Importance Of Innovation

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