The key questions to ask - why? what? how?

The key questions to ask - why? what? how?

Are you one of those people that asks a lot of questions – why are we doing this? What is this all about? And How are we going to deliver this? Simple words and questions but critical in all aspects of business. I have to admit it does annoy me when people ask too many questions, but it really is good engagement. It means they are engaged, they are listening and they want to understand the background.

Sometimes our communication gets so bogged down that it’s hard to follow – and it’s hard for people to come on the journey because they don’t understand the basics. As a leader being able to article the Why, What and How of a companies:

  • Strategy

  • Overall Plan

  • Particular Change 

Is critical.

Right now as we run into the new financial year (for most companies) this comes more important. It’s a great opportunity to use these questions to speak to your team about the new financial year. To think about how to frame things up and get people onboard.


Definition of Why:
The cause, reason, or purpose for which know why you did it that is why you did it.

The power of the Why.

Employees are more focused than ever on the Why. Fundamentally why does this company exist? They are looking for value, purpose in why the company exists. Some companies have this and other companies this becomes a challenge. Do you understand your why? Does it resonate with the employees? Is it truthful and focused? Have you communicated it. It’s important that as a leader you understand the why and can articulate this to the team.

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Simon Sinek famously talks about Starting with the Why in his famous books and ted talks. 

Start With Why shows that the leaders who’ve had the greatest influence in the world all think, act, and communicate the same way — and it’s the opposite of what everyone else does. Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be led, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY.


Definition of Why:
Asking for information specifying something.

The cause, reason, or purpose for which know why you did it that is why you did it.What are we going to deliver this year? What are the initiatives, what are the funding and plan of what we will deliver over the next 12 months. Being clear on the plan and how it links to the Why. Making sure what we are doing is linked with the Why is critical. If the What is not aligned to the Why it becomes meaningless.

Research has shown that companies that have more than 5 priorities deliver less than 18% of their plans. Being clear on your priorities and the alignment to the Why is critical. There is no point having a Why and What if you can’t deliver the how.


Definition of How:
In what way or manner; by what means.

Maybe this is the most important question and people miss this step. If you have a clear why and what – how are you going to deliver? How are you going to operate (values, operating rhythm), what is the plan to get you there? How are linking strategy to execution to ensure the why and what build a plan on the how. The how is normally missed and means that you are not delivering the outcomes you want to achieve.

Most companies are focused on providing a ‘why’ for their teams. Finding that ‘purpose’, that reason to associate with the brand that is not about filling pockets of shareholders. This is a hard one. More and more there is a challenge for employers to represent meaning in working for their company. Employees are demanding this and Employers and trying to align the Why story…but it’s a struggle. 

The ability to be able to communicate the

  • Why

  • What

  • How

consistently, effectively and in an aligned manner is critical.

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Key things to think about when communicating with your employees:

  1. Being able to articulate the Why of your company?

  2. Being able to articulate the What – are you trying to achieve?

  3. Being able to articulate the How – are you going to do this?

Keeping communication simple and consistent is critical. Take the time to ensure you understand and you articulate this to your employees.

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