Data Strategy


Data Strategy

200k+ customers • 1500+ employees • $600M+ Revenue

Our client had multiple data silos, variable levels of data expertise and no formalised data governance processes. This manifested into common issues associated with a failure to regard data as a strategic asset such as high-cost, redundant infrastructure and a lack of accountability over data quality. It also highlighted that business growth and operational efficiencies were being compromised by the lack of a unified view of the advertiser and consumer

Business Impact

⊹ Improved customer data quality mechanisms as part of ROI stabilisation and churn mitigation initiatives
⊹ Cost savings from eliminating multi-vendor data infrastructure redundancies
⊹ Real-time and consistent reporting of business critical metrics
⊹ Domain-specific access to decision insights
⊹ New data product pipeline and monetisation options
⊹ Safeguards against data breaches
⊹ Accessibility of relevant data and better enterprise-wide data literacy

* Please note that experiences listed on this page may involve projects conducted outside of the Whiteark umbrella, however project outcomes were secured under the direction of the current Whiteark leadership team.